It's been a while since I posted one of these, eh?! The weeks are truly running away with me and before I know it I've missed seven (!!) Sunday Posts. I feel like once I miss just one it's impossible to catch up and it gets more difficult as each week goes by. I'm determined to get back at it, though, and hopefully this one will be the first of many to come over the final few weeks of 2016!
one. So I finished Your lie in April on Tuesday night and I bawled. I picked up where I'd left off a few weeks ago (episode 12) and proceeded to finish the entire thing. I spoke more thoroughly about my thoughts on it here but I mean it when I say my heart hurt afterwards. It's also pushed me into a rly bad anime-hangover and I can't bring myself to watch anything else!
two. On Thursday I went charity shopping with my Mum and sister and I had the best time. It's half-term so they've both been off of school for the week (my mum is a TA) and it was nice to spend the entire morning together without rushing. We hit several charity shops and got a pretty good haul between us: I found the most beautiful Zara top for £2.50, as well as a few Christmas presents, and Mum found a few items of clothing for Leigh, plus some kitchen utensils which we'll use at the stables to make up the horse's feed. We also stopped off in a vegan café (post coming Wednesday) and I had something to eat away from home for the first time all year!
three. I didn't leave the house at all Friday. I spent 4+ hours on Skype with my bestie talking about life, anxiety and which Harry Potter house we belong to. I also had my final CBT session over the phone which was underwhelming to say the least. I feel like this round of CBT hasn't benefitted me what-so-ever and that any progress I've made with my anxiety since starting is progress I've made alone. I've been referred back to the Wellbeing Services, though, and I'm hoping they'll put me forward for something a little more long-term.
{ Lush Never Mind The Ballistics ~ full post coming soon! }
four. Finally, I feel like we need to address the elephant pumpkin in the room. How is it Halloween tomorrow?! I don't have much planned; I'm just going to be taking Leigh trick-or-treating with Luke like I do every year, and I believe there's going to be some apple-bobbing and board games. We're carving our pumpkins tonight so that we can set them out tomorrow morning and I've already chosen which design I'm going to try out. I'll probably share it on my Snapchat (whatlaurendid) or my Twitter (@whatlaaurendid) so keep an eye out on there if you're interested!
Links I've loved ::
♥ One of my favourite ladies Michelle has just opened up her own online boutique, beautifully named Honey + Chai. The 'Lissie' lace hem jumper was added to my Christmas wish-list real quick! ~
♥ I recently discovered Winnie's blog Diamond Canopy and I've since spent many an hour reading through her entire archive.
♥ I love Animal Crossing: New Leaf but something I've always missed was the soundtrack from Wild World... at least until I stumbled upon this playlist on Youtube. My favourite tracks are 12pm, 3pm and 7pm respectively. Sometimes when I'm writing I like to have background noise and always look to instrumental music - usually the Lord of the Rings sound rack - so I'm happy to add this to my repertoire.
♥ Sarah has always been one of my favourite compassionate bloggers and I've spent more time than I'd like to admit scrolling through her Instagram, just for fun. She's been uploading videos to her Youtube channel The V Nice Life more regularly this year though and I've been l o v i n g them (especially her vegan weekly shop series!).
Blog posts this week ::
♥ 25 More Things About Me :: I let you in on 25 facts you may or may not know about me, ranging from the components of my dream life to my opinion on Severus Snape.
♥ Barry M Nudes for Pale Skin :: I shared my favourite four Barry M nail varnishes that suit a pale skin tone.
Don't forget to enter my giveaway!